Class CacheMiddleware
The cache loader middleware attempts to load cache from the request's path (route).
It should be run as the first middleware of the stack, in most cases.
(With Slim, this means adding it last)
There is absolutely no extra configuration or dependencies to this middleware.
If the cache key exists, then it will be injected in the response body and returned.
Note that if the cache is hit, the response is directly returned; meaning the rest
of the middilewares in the stack will be ignored
It is up to other means, such as the provided CacheGeneratorMiddleware
, to set this cache entry.
Methods summary
__construct( array $data )
- $data
- Constructor dependencies and options.
__invoke( Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request, Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response, callable $next )
Load a route content from path's cache.
Load a route content from path's cache.
This method is as dumb / simple as possible.
It does not rely on any sort of settings / configuration.
Simply: if the cache for the route exists, it will be used to display the page.
The $next callback will not be called, therefore stopping the middleware stack.
To generate the cache used in this middleware, @see \Charcoal\App\Middleware\CacheGeneratorMiddleware.
- $request
- The PSR-7 HTTP request.
- $response
- The PSR-7 HTTP response.
- $next
- The next middleware callable in the stack.