1: <?php
2: /**
3: * Charcoal Model class file
4: * Part of the `charcoal-core` package.
5: *
6: * @author Mathieu Ducharme <mat@locomotive.ca>
7: */
9: namespace Charcoal\Model;
11: // Local namespace dependencies
12: use \Charcoal\Model\AbstractModel;
14: /**
15: * Charcoal Model class
16: *
17: * # The Charcoal Model
18: * <figure>
19: * <img src="http:// charcoal.locomotive.ca/doc/assets/images/uml/charcoal.model.svg" alt="The Charcoal Model UML" />
20: * <figcaption>The Charcoal Model Class Diagram</figcaption>
21: * </figure>
22: *
23: * # Custom Object Type
24: * It is possible to attach a custom object type (`$_obj_type`) to a Model. This will allow the
25: * various loaders (metadata and source data)
26: *
27: * # Metadata
28: * In Charcoal, all models are held in an instance of `\Charcoal\Model\Model`
29: * and its configuration meta-data structure is defined in a `\Charcoal\Model\Metadata` object.
30: *
31: * ## Loading metadata
32: * To access the metadata, use `$this->metadata()`. To set metadata, use either
33: *
34: * # Properties
35: * The Model Attributes are stored in {@see \Charcoal\Property\PropertyInterface} objects. The properties are defined
36: * in the Model's `metadata` and can be accessed either with `p($ident)` to retrieve a property or with
37: * `properties()` to get all properties.
38: *
39: * # Data Source
40: * The Model data (which is stored internally in the class) can be stored in a storage `Source` object.
41: * There is only one source type currently implemented: `\Charcoal\Source\Database`.
42: *
43: * ## Loading from source
44: * ...
45: *
46: * ## Loading into Collection
47: * ...
48: *
49: * # Data validation
50: * Once an object has had its data filled (from a form, database, or other source), it is possible to check
51: * wether the data is conform to the object definition, as defined by it's properties and meta-properties.
52: * This check is done with the `validate()` function.
53: *
54: * The `validate()` method always return a boolean (`true` for success and `false` if there was any
55: * validation error(s)). The validation details are held in a `Validator` object which can then be
56: * accessed with the `validator()` method.
57: *
58: * # Rendering a model
59: * Every Charcoal Model can be rendered with the help of a `View` and a `ViewController`.
60: * Or, more precisely, a `\Charcoal\View\ModelView` and a `\Charcoal\View\ModelViewController`.
61: */
62: class Model extends AbstractModel
63: {
64: }